The 8th Fire

“8th Fire” is a Canadian documentary series that aired on CBC Television in 2012. The series explores the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in Canada, addressing historical and contemporary issues faced by Indigenous communities. It aims to foster understanding and dialogue by providing insight into Indigenous culture, history, and perspectives.

The series is divided into four episodes:

  1. “Indigenous in the City” – This episode looks at the experiences of Indigenous people living in urban areas, challenging stereotypes and exploring the vibrant cultures and communities that exist in cities.
  2. “It’s Time” – This episode discusses the history of Indigenous and non-Indigenous relations in Canada, focusing on the impact of colonization, treaties, and residential schools.
  3. “Whose Land is it Anyway?” – This episode explores the issue of land rights, looking at historical treaties and the ongoing struggles over land between Indigenous communities and the Canadian government.
  4. “At the Crossroads” – The final episode highlights the efforts to build a more positive future, featuring stories of reconciliation and cooperation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people.

The title “8th Fire” refers to a prophecy from the Anishinaabe people that speaks of a critical time when society must make a choice between two paths—one of unity and healing, the other of destruction. The documentary series uses this prophecy as a metaphor for the choices facing Canadian society.