Outside one’s understanding or competence, as in He was out of his depth in that advanced calculus class, or The conductor realized that playing the fugue at the right tempo was beyond their depth. This expression alludes to being in water so deep that one might sink.
it’s no mystery where they come from. You sharpen the human appetite to the point where it can split atoms with its desire, you build egos the size of cathedrals, fiber-optically connect the world to every eager impulse, grease even the dullest dreams with these dollar-green, gold plated fantasies until every human becomes an aspiring emperor, becomes his own god, and where can you go from there? And as we’re scrambling from one deal to the next, who’s got his eye on the planet? As the air thickens, the water sours, and even the bees honey takes on the metallic taste of radioactivity. And it just keeps coming, faster and faster. There’s no chance to think, to prepare. It’s buy futures, sell futures, when there is no future! We got a runaway train boy, we got a billion Eddie Barzoons all jogging into the future. Every one of ’em getting ready to fist-fuck god’s ex-planet, lick their fingers clean as they reach out toward their pristine, cybernetic keyboards to total up their billable hours. And then it hits home! You gotta pay your own way, Eddie. It’s a little late in the game to buy out now! Your belly’s too full, your dick is sore, your eyes are bloodshot, and you’re screaming for someone to help! But guess what? There’s no one there! You’re all alone, Eddie. You’re god’s special little creature. Maybe it’s true, maybe god threw the dice once too often. Maybe he let us all down.
there must be a NWO where i can get awards and prizes for telling torpedoes of truth
a croatian weapon the torpedo
also the bal point pen and the tie
other than that i have only heard of medjugrje….Medjugorje? gory movie american history huh?
What does it mean to be out of your depth?
Outside one’s understanding or competence, as in He was out of his depth in that advanced calculus class, or The conductor realized that playing the fugue at the right tempo was beyond their depth. This expression alludes to being in water so deep that one might sink.
#1 messiah claimaint:
marshal golightly
he is an imposter of revelation 2
it’s no mystery where they come from. You sharpen the human appetite to the point where it can split atoms with its desire, you build egos the size of cathedrals, fiber-optically connect the world to every eager impulse, grease even the dullest dreams with these dollar-green, gold plated fantasies until every human becomes an aspiring emperor, becomes his own god, and where can you go from there? And as we’re scrambling from one deal to the next, who’s got his eye on the planet? As the air thickens, the water sours, and even the bees honey takes on the metallic taste of radioactivity. And it just keeps coming, faster and faster. There’s no chance to think, to prepare. It’s buy futures, sell futures, when there is no future! We got a runaway train boy, we got a billion Eddie Barzoons all jogging into the future. Every one of ’em getting ready to fist-fuck god’s ex-planet, lick their fingers clean as they reach out toward their pristine, cybernetic keyboards to total up their billable hours. And then it hits home! You gotta pay your own way, Eddie. It’s a little late in the game to buy out now! Your belly’s too full, your dick is sore, your eyes are bloodshot, and you’re screaming for someone to help! But guess what? There’s no one there! You’re all alone, Eddie. You’re god’s special little creature. Maybe it’s true, maybe god threw the dice once too often. Maybe he let us all down.
Bill Gates is God’s special creature? please tell me Satan, is Bill Gates our savior?
He’s coming with me
I saved more children than anyone else
thank u Papa Ratzi
yes, these are the times of the ANTICHRIST