The Devil’s Picture Book

Tarot History Chronology

1215.  First paper mills in Italy

1356-74.  Petrarch writes the poem I Trionfi, partly while at Visconti Court in Milan. The concept of a procession of allegorical figures “triumphing” or defeating the preceding figure was the basis of the game of Trionfi.

@1370.  Block printing on paper begins in Germany and appears in Italy several decades later.


1984.  Mary Greer publishes Tarot for Yourself, a workbook that guides the reader through forming personal meanings for the cards rather than memorizing received card meanings. Golden Dawn astrological and elemental attributions are disseminated.

1980s-’90s.  Golden age of small, individually-owned tarot magazines such as Tracy Hoover’s Winged Chariot, Crystal Sage’s Tapestry and Geraldine Amaral’s Celebrating the Tarot.

1990s.  Several artists and publishers update the Tarot de Marseilles: Fournier, Major Tom, Rodes & Sanchez, and Hadar.

1990s.  Llewellyn, founded in 1901 as an astrological publishing house, becomes a major tarot deck publisher, and in 2000 forms a partnership with Lo Scarabeo, a major Italian tarot deck publisher.

1991.  First BATS (Bay Area Tarot Symposium) organized in San Francisco by Thalassa.

Mid 1990s.  The Tarot community goes global thanks to the internet. Alt_Tarot and Tarot_L (Yahoo) are pioneering discussion lists

1996.  The books A Wicked Pack of Cards followed by The History of Occult Tarot in 2002, as well as research into tarot history by Michael Dummett and independent researchers who share their findings online, debunk occultist theories of Tarot’s ancient origins.

1997.  First World Tarot Congress in Chicago organized by Janet Berres.

2002.  First Reader’s Studio organized in New York by Ruth and Wald Amberstone.


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8 Replies to “The Devil’s Picture Book”



    The next family in our series of articles on the top 13 Illuminati families is the Collins family, The first two have been the Astor family and the Bundy family. The first two articles were fairly straightforward. Both the Astor and Bundy families have been written about by others, and I had more information on both families than I needed for my articles. In fact I left out worthwhile details in both articles in order to keep the articles to a comfortable length. In this Collins article, there will be some padding.” In terms of research on the Collins family from a scale from 0 to 100, I’m about at 10. There are some hard connections that will be presented and some soft connections. Joan Collins is what I’d call a soft connection. She has associated with a long list of key Illuminati men and at least a few known Satanists, but this is only the barest of dues that she might have anything to do with the Illuminati herself. Let me give some of the hard connections first.

  2. It is called THE RABBIS TAROT

    it is not the devil’s picture book

    the rabbis tarot is the reason the bible has numbers…everytime u see the number 13 in the bible the theme is death and rebirth.

  3. Two mentally ill schizoprenics….vs the most powerful banking dynasty in the world?


    the world is my oyster

    take your medication and shut your plebian mouths

    U are talking to the king of kings

    as Judah Ben Hur calls me

    shabat shalom goys


  4. Contrary to multiple reports that exist online, there is nothing to prove that Phil Collins is or isn’t religious. There’s no quote associated with him speaking about any personal religious beliefs that he might or might not have. What is known is that Collins is a member of the Masonic Temple.

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